5 Roles of Leaders Who Accelerate Business Performance
What do you know about change?
How do you know if you’re successful at leading change?
In your culture, what is the level of commitment to change and performance improvement?
Because of the rapidly changing pace of the business world, leading change has become as integral to a leader’s success as managing the balance sheet or implementing a new customer service program. Yet research indicates that less than 30% of change efforts succeed. Why?
Here is what we’ve found. Most leaders lack a complete picture of how change happens. Too many continue to tinker with tactics and short-term fixes while hoping for transformation and long-term improvement. Many leaders ask others to engage and change without really understanding how to do that themselves. All too often leaders are rewarded for doing their “day job,” so they haphazardly lead change “on the side.” This results in change feeling fragmented, complicated, or theoretical by those on the front line.
The current approach to change is incomplete. Great leaders of change positively impact business performance by fundamentally working differently from most leaders in three ways.
First, great leaders change how they think and talk about change. They engage in conversations about results, performance, and leadership effectiveness.
Second, great leaders change their approach to change by engaging both individuals and the organization. Lasting change requires a change to both the thoughts and beliefs and the structure and systems inside-out and outside-in change.
Third, great change leaders elevate what they do and the roles they play. Five roles are critical to lead and sustain change: Focus, Align, Engage, Lead, and Sustain. To accelerate change, we must accelerate leadership!
When leaders change their approach to change, even the most die-hard defenders of the status quo will become part of the new order of things.
“The first challenge in any change effort is getting our leadership team fully committed to the future vision and too often we find ourselves “getting the results that we are perfectly designed to get”! Kendall and Tony have gone beyond the ADKAR model with a practical framework and real world examples that get to the heart of change management. From chartering and alignment to keeping score and building accountability, Change The Way You Change provides exactly what is required to confidently transform your business for the better.”
“This book hits the nail on the head. Leading effective change demands that you make very wise choices due to limited resources, strong competition, and a dynamic marketplace. Tony and Kendall have put their career experience, hard earned life lessons, and spirited personalities into your hands within this book.”
As President and Founder of the Woman’s Presidents Association, we have deep leadership conversations with literally hundreds of our highly successful woman-owned businesses around the world. Change in business is a ticket to admission in today’s fast-paced economy and especially for small to medium size businesses. In their book, “Change the Way You Change,” Lyman and Daloisio have captured the essence of highly effective leadership of change in business. The style and substance of this book are spot on for my members, and I will highly recommend it to them as Presidents to read, study, and apply to accelerate change and achieve the goals in their business.